CRYPTOXYGEN The Best Solution for Your Financial Problems

Peace for us all...

on this good occasion I will discuss a little about CRYPTOXYGEN a project that is currently developing for Cryptocurency.

Cryptoxygen is a complete platform consisting of digital currency exchanges and wallets, which offers the fastest and safest solution for users to buy, sell and store digital currencies at the lowest prices.

This is the first in the history of the cryptocurrency industry, when the cryptoexchange platform has partnered with Thomson Computing hardware manufacturers (since 1893, France's historical electronic brand). The Cryptoxygen platform will be directly integrated into more than one million laptops and tablets sold every year around the world.
As a result, this will create a large number of users and quickly increase market share by increasing the valuation of our tokens.
Cryptoxygen is a blockchain-based ecosystem consisting of mobile wallet for Exchange and multiblockchain for iOS and Android platforms, offering a safe, fast and sophisticated cryptocurrency solution at the lowest price. The crypto-oxygen exchange platform allows cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency. It comes with an easy-to-use interface, datagram, and real-time price registration, which makes it easy for users to manage their cryptocurrency portfolio. Portfolios, on the other hand, allow users to save, buy and sell cryptocurrency, while at the same time guaranteeing the highest security. Cryptoxygen also offers online news and social trading, where crypto beginners can follow successful platform traders and copy their trading patterns.
Cryptoxygen plans to create a laboratory to support startups with innovative solutions to reduce all types of pollution and develop artificial intelligence projects.
It comes with an easy-to-use interface, data chart and get real-time pricing, making it easier for users to manage their cryptocurrency portfolio. Wallets, on the other hand, open users to save, buy, and sell cryptocurrency while receiving the highest security. Cryptoxygen has partnered with Thomson Computers - a leading electronic brand that has a 36% increase in the European market. The Cryptoxygen platform will be integrated directly into every computing system stamped by Thompson. With annual sales of around 1 million Thomson Integrated Cryptoxygen notebooks and computing systems, this project will be able to generate 100,000 new users each year, collected on increasing use of tokens and appreciation of token values
ICO details
Our Cryptoxygen OXY2 Token is based on Ethereum and developed on the ERC20 platform. Our utility token will provide our clients with special services and benefits such as commissions and lower trading fees, which will be as low as 0.05%
Info token
OXY2 Token Platform Ethereum Type ERC20 Pre price ICO 1 OXY2 = 0.1 USD Prices in ICO are 0.1200 USD
January 15, 2019 20% 150,000,000 Tokens for sale Investment info Min. investment of 100 USD Receive ETH, BTC, Fiat Distributed at ICO 60%

Soft cap of 3,500,000 USD Hard cover 30,000,000 USD

Q1, 2019
ICO launch POST ICO Assessment and Audit Development of Cryptoxygen Platforms and Wallets Register OXY2 on the placement platform
Q2, Q3 2019
Platform Debug and Cryptoxygen Test before launch Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Quality Assurance, Security Guarantee Fully Functional iOS and Android Application Integration Platform in Thomson hardware
Add more coins to the Cryptoxygen platform Partnership with retailers, investors, the press Launched the online trading academy Staff recruitment Launch of the International Marketing campaign You can find out more information through the link that I include below:


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